Arduino Training Kit for improving the quality of the teaching learning process at Microcontroler Laboratory Jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Informatika Politeknik Negeri Medan


  • julham julham politeknik negeri medan


Arduino Training Kit, IoT, Embedded.


To provide an easy understanding and develop a learning material, it is necessary to do a practicum for learning materials which is not enough just to provide theory, practicum is carried out so that students have competencies that will not be obtained if only given theoretical material. One of the needs for conducting practicals is practicum for learning related to the use of digital electronic devices, microprocessors and the development of these devices for Embedded System applications as well as Internet Of Thing (IOT) applications  is using Arduino Training Kit.  With the existence of a trainer, students will more easily understand the workings and applications of microprocessor-based devices. The results of this study are expected to be able to provide a solution to the shortage of equipment that can be used by students for practicum and developing a microprocessor-based system for both lab work and student final projects. To achieve optimal outcomes, it is done by distributing questionnaires to students to get informational feedback that contains information on the benefits of the devices that will be designed and made in this study.


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