Implementation Of K-Medoids Algorithm In Grouping Diseases In The Community


  • Risnawati Saragih STIKOM TUNAS Bangsa Pematangsiantar


Data Mining K-Medoids Algorithm Disease in society


Disease is a type of disease that attacks children and adults. Disease transmission can be through direct contact, coughing, sneezing and so on. In this case, some of the complications that often make the Bukit Maraja Community Health Center community include diarrhea, allergies, influenza, HIV, gout and so on. Based on the Ministry of Health, Indonesia is still one of the countries that often suffer from diseases. Puskesmas Bukit Maraja noted that the number of cases of the latest disease has increased in the past four years. To see the results of grouping diseases that often occur or are most visited by the people of the Bukit Maraja Community Health Center, the data mining method is used with the K-Medoids Algorithm. Sources of data obtained by making observations at the Bukit Maraja Community Health Center so that it is hoped that this research can help the government and community health centers in overcoming diseases that often occur or are most visited by the Bukit Maraja Community Health Center. The results obtained from these tests are the same calculations between manuals. And rapidminer, and obtained high and low clusters, high cluster there are 5 types of diseases such as Dbd, Types, Asthma, Rubella, tuberculosis and low clusters there are 19 types of diseases, namely diarrhea, diarrhea, gout, diabetes, HIV, tetanus, scabies, ulcers , Influenza, Worms, Ringworm And Ulcer


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