Battery, Monitoring, PZEM-017, Internet of ThingsAbstract
Vehicles with electricity-based fuel have begun to be widely used. Each time the battery is charged, the battery life gradually decreases and will eventually damage the battery if we do not monitor the charging process. Monitoring is an important activity to ensure that a process, activity, work, or system runs properly. Currently, monitoring can be done directly or indirectly using various media such as computers or smartphones. The main purpose of monitoring electric bicycle battery charging is to prevent the battery life from decreasing drastically and to maintain battery quality so that it does not deteriorate quickly. Through this review, the author proposes to design a monitoring device for 48V electric bicycles using the relatively affordable PZEM-017 power sensor with ESP32 as an effective microcontroller that can access the internet network, making it easier for users to monitor charging remotely via smartphone. Using the planned concept, the author conducts sensor testing and calibration so that the designed monitoring system can display accurate measurement results. From the experiments that have been carried out, the author concludes that to design an accurate monitoring system, it is necessary to use the right sensor that has been tested through regular experiments and calibration.
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