
  • Langgeng Saputra Universitas Borneo Tarakan
  • Rika Wahyuni Arsianti Universitas Borneo Tarakani


magnet, wind turbine, portable turbine, renewable energy, vertical wind turbine


Renewable energy is one of the focus research in the world today due to limited fossil energy. Nowdays the research about potential of wind is beeing developed. The average wind speed in Indonesia is in the range of 3-5 m/s. This study aims to design a vertical type low-power wind turbine. In this study we used a portable vertical wind turbine for the ease of use in some places.The vertical wind turbine type was chosen because it is more suitable for low wind speeds. The wind turbine is built using 300 windings and the number of coils used is 18. The magnets used are 32 pieces of neodymium. The wind turbine was tested at three speeds, 3.3 m/s, 4.3 m/s and 5.7 m/s.The result shows the wind turbine produce an output power of 160.91 mW, 234.74 mW and 378.39 mW respectively. The built wind turbine has succeeded in generating low power electricity.


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