Solar sel, IoT, Heater, Arduino Uno, Ethernet ShieldAbstract
In the modern era, automation is one of the most popular and growing technologies, especially in the application of household appliances. At home, automation is very much needed so that users no longer bother to turn on, turn off and adjust according to the wishes of an existing electronic device. One way this is done is by utilizing solar energy which is converted into electrical energy with the help of solar cells. Solar cells are placed in locations exposed to sunlight. Solar Water Heater is a water heater by utilizing solar energy captured by solar cells as a source of heating energy, where the voltage is stored in the battery. The reason it is stored in the battery is so that it can be used whenever needed, such as when the power goes out. When the water will be heated, the battery will supply electrical voltage to all systems, then Arduino functions as a water pump controller, heater and DS18B20 temperature sensor while the ethernet shield functions as a link between Arduino and the computer where the temperature will be regulated via the web. After testing and measuring the design of this system, several conclusions were drawn, the increase in the battery charging voltage during the heat is 0.054V every 10 minutes for 51 minutes. The initial voltage is 12.26 V to 12.51 V. The time it takes for the heater to heat 12 liters of water from an initial temperature of 30˚C to 40.19˚C is 50 minutes.
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