Water Treatment Sistem Pemantau Kualitas Air Bersih Berbasis IoT Menggunakan Modul Wifi Esp32 dengan Thunkable
Arduino, IoT, pH, TDS, TurbidityAbstract
Water quality is a crucial aspect in maintaining human health and environmental well-being. Therefore, an effective and efficient water quality monitoring system is needed to ensure safe and high-quality water. In this study, we propose the design and development of an IoT-based Water Treatment System for Monitoring Water Quality using ESP32 with Thunkable.The objective of this study is to design and implement a water quality monitoring system capable of real-time monitoring of key parameters such as pH, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), and turbidity. The system is also designed to integrate with IoT platforms, enabling remote monitoring and efficient data collection.The system design comprises the use of ESP32 as the main controller connected to pH, TDS, and turbidity sensors. The ESP32 transmits sensor data via Wi-Fi connectivity to an IoT platform. Thunkable, a block-based programming application development platform, is utilized to create an intuitive user interface for accessing and monitoring water quality data.The developed system successfully monitors water quality in real-time and displays relevant data on the user interface. The test results demonstrate accurate readings for pH, TDS, and turbidity parameters. With the integration of an IoT platform, water quality data can be accessed and monitored efficiently from remote locations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gilang Jullio, Herri Trisna Frianto, Reniwati Lubis

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