Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino Uno, DC pump, LCDAbstract
In the modern era, automation is one of the most popular and growing technologies. The use and use of disinfectants during the corona or COVID-19 period is very common and very important for everyone for the safety and health of both personal and fellow. Disinfectants that are spread in the community in general are only in the form of bottles that are sprayed or applied manually to the hands only and not to other body parts that can also be affected and prone to the COVID-19 Virus, therefore we need a tool that can spray disinfectant automatically and can cover a wider area, so that the risk of spreading and contracting the COVID-19 Virus can be reduced. The purpose of the research is to suppress and reduce and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Virus in the surrounding environment using Ultrasonic Sensors and Arduino UNO. The method used in this research consists of 4 stages, namely: 1). Selection of software and hardware equipment, 2). System design, 3). Programming, and 4). Tool testing. The results of testing this tool in the form of a 12Volt DC pump and an LCD that displays the pump status and instructions, the tool works well if the pump is on when someone enters the chamber for a specified time and will remain dead until the person comes out and will come back to life when someone enters The sensitivity distance of the ultrasonic sensor to detect the presence of people is in the range of 40cm-50cm.
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https://abdulelektro.blogspot.com/2019/10/jenis-jenis-regulator-tegangan- dengan.html
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