Soil moisture, Arduino-Uno, Driver Relay, LCD, Internet of Things, TelegramAbstract
Growth in this era continues to increase, people expect equipment or technology that can help human work, making it easier for the work to be done. One of the results of technological growth is the implementation of IoT (Internet of Things) for the manufacture of watering equipment and automatic plant fertilization. This final project is made of a feature that can carry out the work of watering and fertilizing plants without having to go down to the field. This equipment aims to take manual work into automatic. The advantage of this equipment is that it can facilitate human work in watering and fertilizing plants. This equipment uses a soil moisture sensor that acts as a soil moisture detector and sends commands to Arduino Uno to turn on the relay driver so that the pump can flush water according to the soil needs automatically and from the connection side to the application, try using the Telegram smartphone application as a monitor of soil moisture values, temperature value and notification of watering and fertilization. Making this final project is attempted by designing, manufacturing, and implementing system components which include Arduino Uno as a controller, relay drivers to turn the water pump on and off, and LCD (Linquist Cristal Display) to show soil moisture values. results. The system is active when the soil conditions are dry or the percentage of soil conditions is approximately 0-50%. Fertilization occurs when the weekly fertilization limit has not been met, the sensor distance value from the water surface is less than 70 cm and the fertilizer outlet will be open for 10 seconds. The system shuts down when the soil is wet with water or the percentage of soil condition is 60-100%.
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