Peningkatan Keterampilan Hidup Pemuda Putus Sekolah Melalui Pelatihan Instalasi Listrik dan Pelaporan Sederhana Keuangan Usaha


  • Angelia Maharani Purba
  • Arlina Pratiwi Purba Politeknik Negeri Medan
  • Eva Malina Simatupang Politeknik Negeri Medan
  • Imnadir Imnadir Politeknik Negeri Medan
  • Ngairan Banu Saputro Politeknik Negeri Medan


electrical installation, financial reports, Training Skill


Residential electrical installation training aims to improve skills, especially for those who have dropped out of school. Those who drop out of school need capital to find work for survival. The method used is to provide a basic theory of electrical installation and direct practice in the modules provided by the proposer using multiplexes at PKBM Hanuba. In addition, training was also given in making simple financial reports. Training is helpful for students to make simple financial reports from the products they make and will market namely acrylic flowers. The result of this activity is that students gain soft skills and hard skills that can be used for life skills, including being able to draw electrical designs for simple residential homes, being able to install simple residential electrical installations, being able to maintain electrical installations for simple residential homes, and being able to implement K3 in the implementation of the installation.


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UU Nomor 2 Tahun1989 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional




How to Cite

Maharani Purba, A., Purba, A. P., Simatupang, E. M., Imnadir, I., & Saputro, N. B. (2023). Peningkatan Keterampilan Hidup Pemuda Putus Sekolah Melalui Pelatihan Instalasi Listrik dan Pelaporan Sederhana Keuangan Usaha. Jurnal Ilmiah Madiya (Masyarakat Mandiri Berkarya), 4(2). Retrieved from